As a self-employed individual, the continuing success of your business brings with it both excitement and terror. With each new step, you learn more and more about growing a successful business, but you still feel as if you're in over your head. If you're considering bringing in a business consultant but aren't sure you truly need one, here are common instances in which their expertise can be used and how they can help you to continue growing your business.  

Owner-Operator to Employer-Employee

Many businesses start with one individual who wears many hats. As time goes on, however, the business grows and eventually needs regular help. If you're one such business and are considering bringing in your first employee, here's how a business consultant can help you.

If you're considering adding an employee to your operation, there are a number of steps you'll be required to take. Since such things are monitored by the appropriate agencies (IRS and Department of Labor), it's vital to the health of your business that these steps be followed exactly as they're written. This task can initially seem overwhelming, but a business consultant with experience in business expansion and employer-based requirements can ensure you're off to the best start possible.  

Temporary Need for Extra Hands

Perhaps hiring a long-term employee isn't in the best interest of your business, but you still find yourself overwhelmed and needing help now.

As a self-employed business owner, you play a number of roles within your business. Sometimes, however, you may require the help of an outside entity, such as an accountant, to handle more complex or overwhelming situations. Whatever your business needs, there's bound to be a business consultant with those exact skills who can help you with necessary tasks as needed. This frees you up to attend to regular business operations while ensuring your business is getting the care it needs elsewhere.  

An Outsider's Evaluation Is Necessary

If you find your business at the center of an IRS or other business-related investigation, the help of an outside business consultant may be exactly what you need to keep your business afloat.

Business audits can happen for a number of reasons, and they're a common part of owning and operating a business of your own. If you find yourself in the middle of an investigation, you may be required to hire an outside eye to properly assess your business. Even if not required, an outside source can offer an extra layer of protection and show investigators that you're going the extra mile to ensure your business is following the highest of standards.

Owning and operating a business is not for the faint of heart. If you're a business owner but find yourself in over your head for whatever reason, a business consultant can help your business stay on track and give you the confidence and expertise you need to continue growing. 
